This is the month when Americans celebrate the harvest of all good things in our lives—a month of gratitude for the abundance showered upon us all. There are those who may experience more abundance than others, and we might ask how they did it. Could it be that those who experience more abundance in their lives are living at a higher vibrational frequency—one that was a stretch in the beginning but one that became their new normal? That is my observation. I’m seeing more and more people obtaining the abundance they desire and living a life filled with gratitude—even when the abundance they seek is still on the way.

Just take a look at your own life. You are producing certain results—are you grateful? Are those results what you desire, or do you wish for more abundance to be manifested? That “more abundance,” however you define it, actually exists at a higher vibrational frequency. When we keep our eyes set on the goal, we begin to match that frequency and before you know it, that new abundance that you desire is your new normal. Gratefulness becomes the benchmark of a life lived in gratitude.

A year ago, today, we arrived in South Carolina to a home we dreamed up. Rich and I had a vision of a place on a lake not too far from the mountains, with moderate temperatures and winters that weren’t too bad. When we found it, we couldn’t get financing because we both still had mortgages on our homes in Florida and they hadn’t sold yet. It looked like we weren’t going to be able to do it, but we kept holding the vision that the house we found was it. With grateful hearts, we got it and were able to manage 3 mortgages for several months until the Florida homes sold. We just kept holding the vision that this house and all its gardens was ours. It was a stretch for us financially, but we drew upon the abundance of the Universe. For those of you who have known me for many years, I didn’t even get stressed out! We trusted and saw that house as ours. We literally raised our vibrational frequency to the level of this new abundance.

Want help in raising your frequency to obtain the abundance your desire in life? Both Rich and I are certified DreamBuilder Coaches and Life Mastery Consultants. Contact us—we can help you have the abundance you desire for your life.

Linda Smith
