I believe all life operates within a system of universal, spiritual if you will, laws. Many people are familiar with the Law of Attraction, which is actually only a secondary law, the primary law being the Law of Vibration. This law simply stated is that all living matter, all thoughts and all feelings have their own, unique vibrational frequency (energy). So, imagine, if you can, a bubble surrounding you. And this bubble represents your energy field, your frequency. Now imagine walking through a busy shopping mall full of thousands of people, each with their own “bubble”. It is inevitable that at some point your bubble and someone else’s bubble are going to intersect or overlap causing the individual frequencies to come in contact with each other if you will. What do you think happens when a high energy, high frequency bubble intersects with a lower energy, lower frequency “bubble”. Well it is my understanding of the Law of Increase the higher frequency bubble has a positive influence of the lower frequency bubble, actually raising (increasing) its energy level or frequency.

In “The Science of Getting Rich”, Wallace Wattles writes; “Increase is what all men and women are seeking; it is the urge of the Formless Intelligence within them, seeking fuller expression. The desire for increase in inherent in all nature; it is the fundamental impulse of the universe. All human activities are based on the desire for increase;…”

Wattles goes on to say that each of us is a creative center from which we give off increase to all.
So, let’s imagine that you are a person of increase, that you live a life full of gratitude for all you have and all that will come. You endeavor to live a life free of rancor, judgement, condemnation, one full of joy, and love and compassion for all your fellow human beings. Imagine the level of energy or frequency that would exist in your bubble. Now imagine making a conscious effort to increase the energy or frequency in someone else’s bubble through a simple act. Maybe it’s a smile. Maybe it’s holding the door for a young mom pushing a stroller with a couple of toddlers in tow. Maybe it’s taking a moment to thank the checkout person or your server for their efforts.

So, as we enter into the Christmas season, remember that not all gifts come wrapped in pretty paper with lovely ribbons or bows on them. You can give someone a powerful, possibly memorable gift just by being a person of increase in your interactions with them.
Have a joyous holiday season.
