Here we are at the beginning of a brand-new decade. How shall we choose to make the next 10 years truly outstanding and full of the abundance we have only dreamed about? We can do it if we understand how energy actually works. (I believe if you are getting my newsletters and clicking on this blog, you know what I’m referring to.) When we consciously choose to carry a higher vibration of love and harmony, the Universe responds to us by moving what we desire closer and closer to us. In other words, God (Universe, Higher Power) senses our readiness to live a joy-filled life of abundance and actually cooperates by matching the frequency we exhibit! I’m not just asking you to accept this but to live it. You want good health, great relationships, meaningful work, and time and money freedom in your life? Then act as if it is already here!!!
It’s your choice. You can continue to live life as you have these past few years, or you can say to yourself, “That was then, this is NOW!” Get clear on exactly what it is that you want in 2020 and in the decade to come. Picture it literally—our minds work in pictures, not on abstract concepts. When I say picture your bed, you don’t see the word BED, no, you see in your mind the bed in your bedroom. So, if you want good health in 2020—what does that LOOK LIKE for you? When you say you want a great relationship with your spouse or partner or find the love of your life, what does that look like? If you say you want to make a meaningful mark on the world, what does that work look like? And if you say you want time and money freedom—what do you picture? Travel? Contributing to organizations you support? Providing for your children or your grandchildren’s education? Buying a new house or car? It’s YOUR CHOICE—just be clear about it because the Universe is listening. And if you dream but then add “I’ll never have that”, guess what—the Universe heard that and will make sure you don’t have it. God does answer our prayers, even the ones that sabotage us.
Staying in the right mindset to achieve your 2020 vision is easier said then done. Backsliding has killed many a vision and dream. That’s why having someone to help you keep focused is so helpful. And that’s what I love to do—help others achieve their goals and dreams. So, if this is the year that you are finally ready to CHOOSE the life you have always dreamed—call me for a FREE Strategy session. I can show you how to get what you most desire in life—but you have to call. I only have a few spots every month for these strategy sessions.
Here’s to your greater health and well-being in 2020,
Linda Smith