I have been thinking a lot about the law of abundance lately and have discovered through the work of a 20th century writer Raymond Holliwell that the law of supply actually supersedes the one on abundance. Let me explain.

I want to begin by quoting Matt. 7:7 “Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” We are never satisfied, and I don’t believe God intends for us to ever be satisfied. You see, as soon as a good is realized, another desire for a greater good will develop; and when a higher state is reached—another and more glorious state will unfold. So, we are always advancing in life—always expanding our thinking, to one that God intends us to live. And here is the secret—there is an unending supply provided by our Source.

A lot of people actually don’t believe this. They want to see it first only that is not how it works. It is in believing that we are able to see. If you do not see an abundance around you and do not enjoy plenty, you may believe that it does not exist for you. But if you learn to see with your mind’s eye, you will realize differently. Let me give you an example.

I remember being in graduate school in the 1980’s—computers were brand new and not many people had one or even saw the value in them. Many thought, including me, that typewriters and word processors were not only adequate but would survive when computers fell out of our consciousness and our sight—a fad that never took off. The demand for computers had not reached a critical level where we needed them for everything. Believing in this contractive instance certainly proved better than seeing. But of course, that is hindsight!

I have learned that the way to have an unending supply of what I need is to relax and be more expansive in my thought. When we can think and realize more abundance, we shall receive more abundantly. Fretting and worrying about our future only restricts and limits the supply at hand since we focus on lack rather than the unending supply that is available to us all. Our minds are like magnets that draw unto us what we focus on. If we focus on what is missing—that is exactly what keeps appearing. So, our magnet is greatly reduced in strength by our worries and fears and our inflow of what we desire is slowly closed off. However, we can charge our magnet with energy to build up its power of magnetism and the power of attraction.

To receive prosperity, our thoughts must build upward, must be constructive and expansive. Abundance and supply are one, so to use the law we must think supply, talk supply, and live supply with every thought.

I must admit that this law of supply is one that has taken me more than seventy years to get. Most of my life, I focused on what was lacking. However, even an old one can learn! And now, I reach out and help others to see the power of such positive thinking about divine supply. If you need help, contact me. Just go to www.TransformationalWellnessServices.com and scroll down to the bottom of the home page. There you will find my calendar—just schedule yourself for a FREE consultation. I can help you move from constrictive to expansive thought for your future.

Linda Smith

