Napoleon Hill once said, “imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivable, powerful force that the world has ever known.” And according to Albert Einstein, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
Yes, we have this great mental faculty of imagination that can show us the way to a life we truly would love living. What does it look like? What am I doing? What am I giving? Who am I with? What am I creating? What kind of service do I do in the world?
Remember when you were a kid, you imagined that you would grow up to be a fireman, or a ballerina? I imagined that I would travel the world to exotic places, see the Eiffel Tower, Big Bend, the Sidney Opera House, the Grand Canyon, and the beaches of Hawaii. Well, I imagined it and I have seen it all and much more.
I also imagined that I would take care of others, champion the poor, as well as live in a fine house one day. I can say as I near the latter third of my life, my imagination has done well for me. Imagination is literally the workshop where all plans are created—the impulse, the desire—is given shape, form and action. It has been said that we can create anything we can imagine. That’s how we came up with flight, with the internet, even the electric light bulb and the wristwatch. Everything you touch was first imagined before it became form. Our only limitation within reason lies in our development and use of our imagination.
I am imaging the America I live is kind, considerate, caring for the least among us, America that no longer judges by the color of our skin but by the integrity of our lives, America that is civil to one another, respectful, America that is once again a respected leader in the world, America that has regained its leadership role in caring for poorer nations, giving them a hand-up.
This imagined belief of mine takes nothing out of our pockets, it is no threat to us and our families. On the contrary, it lifts us up to a higher vibrational frequency, and it lightens our souls with love, harmony, peacefulness, joy, and beauty.
Over the next few months we are going into a period of intense listening, discerning and choosing our leadership for the next 4 years. It’s important that we not just look at the present moment but project with our imagination what life will be like over these next four years. Who can best bring us together, who can unite us and heal our wounds of division, who can show us through his example how to care for one-another, love one another, and be kind to one-another. That is the one we need to choose. Use your imagination well and see what kind of nation we want to be in the world. It is not a time of me, me, me. It is a time of recognizing that this world is small, and we are all connected.
Need help imagining a life you truly would love living? That’s what I do—I help others with their dreams. You can schedule a FREE strategy session with me by going to my calendar on my home page. Just schedule yourself and I will get an email and so will you to confirm your appointment.
Linda Smith