One of the wonderful programs I am certified to coach people in is Standing Firm When Your World is Shaking created by Mary Morrissey. It is a very appropriate journey into one’s situation, but especially during a quarantined pandemic. Many have experienced this confinement as a “dark night of the soul” but I find there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Difficult times birth the next larger version of yourself as something greater is seeking to emerge. We dare the dark time by looking it square in the eye and that’s when we realize we are MORE than that. There is a gift here in this dark time and often it is the gift of remembrance—remembrance of our own gifts and talents we have let go of or forgotten.

I recommend taking the “long view” of life. This pandemic (or divorce, or loss of a job or serious diagnosis) is only a chapter in your life—it’s not the whole book!

When you can take the perspective of the long view, it gives you an ability to be bigger than whatever you are facing. It’s OK to experience a dark night as long as the dark night doesn’t have you.

Your deeper self is yearning for more—it is life itself seeking expression through you. Sometimes we’re afraid to take the steps that we need to take in life, so we end up feeling stuck. That’s when life intervenes, and we find ourselves in a situation like now—confined to our homes in a pandemic.

The Hero’s journey is a call to adventure, a call to a greater life. You can answer the call or refuse it in which case, life will get more interesting with time. Either you will lean into your circumstances or your circumstances will lean into you. The trials come and you get tested. The journey changes you. You don’t come back the same person—you have grown.

So, consider where you are right now on your own life journey. Need help in navigating? I can help as a dreambuilder coach and life mastery consultant. For a free consultation, go to my calendar on our website home page and schedule yourself. I look forward to helping you see where you are on your journey.

Linda Smith
October 1, 2020