At this time of year, it is natural for our thoughts to turn to gratefulness as we approach harvest in the Northern Hemisphere and the celebration of our Thanksgiving Day. We are heading into our fall and winter experience in life—a time of introspection and going within. Yes, it is a stressful time for many especially given that we are in a pandemic and may not be able to gather with our extended families for the holidays. But it is also a time of grace, of great favor.

I’ve just written an ebook on gratitude and grace. They are related you know. Gratitude or gratia, is a given gift and from this root word we get our word grace which means a gift freely given that is unearned.

Gratitude is NOT simply an emotional response—it is a choice we make. When we focus on the benefits and goodness that are all around us—we naturally are led to feelings of gratitude. Gratitude recognizes the unearned increments of value on one’s life experience. We acknowledge the positive thing that come our way that we DID NOT actively work toward or ask for. Grace is a freely given gift—we didn’t do anything to deserve it—it is simply given. And so, when we express our gratitude, we are blessed with even more grace.

All of life is a blessing and grateful seeing looks for what is good and working in our lives without minimizing the hardships or challenges. This means our lives are filed with grace—just take a few moments and reflect upon that. And if you find only bleakness, emptiness, and lack—it’s time to start dreaming a life you truly would love. We are all given the gift of dreaming—why not dream a life where you recognize the grace that is already there? Why not dream big. Need help with fleshing out your dream? That’s what we do—we help people develop the blueprint for a life they would love to have—one where they would feel much gratitude and grace for.

So, in this season of thanksgiving, if you need help and or just want to explore what’s next for you, give me or Rich a call—we can help.

Linda Smith