From the title you might expect that I would be talking about luxury, a big home, fancy meals, trips, cruises—living the high life with an abundance of money! Maybe even having a gardener and housekeeper to manage a big home of your dreams. Is that your vision for an abundant lifestyle?

That’s not my dream of an abundant lifestyle. For me, it encompasses the concepts of simplicity, having enough, living in reasonable comfort, prosperity, and supportive and loving companionship. Call me old fashioned, but these concepts bring an abundance of happiness and joy into my life. Abundance is blessings from the Universe, from God. And God’s infinite goodness provides me with a rich supply.

In fact, I am living an abundance lifestyle right now. For me, this includes great health and vitality, loving friendships, creative endeavors, and sufficient time and money freedom to not have to worry. These are external manifestations of abundance that is all around me. When I recognize this, I find that abundance is actually within me. If I desire more of something, then I need to give from the abundance within me. For example, if I desire beautiful gardens in my yard, I need to give to the earth food and water for seed to grow. If I desire lots of friends, then I need to be a friend. If I desire money for a particular reason, then the secret is to give more money to worthy causes. It is the law of supply and the law of attraction. If I desire an abundance of love in my life—then I must give love.

Abundance and gratitude are two sides of the same coin. The more grateful we are to the Source of all good things—the more good things we will receive. The supply is not limited. In the Bible it tells us “draw nigh unto God, and God will draw nigh unto you.” The grateful person expects good things, and expectation becomes faith. Gratitude simply strengthens our faith that indeed good things are on their way.

I know what you must be thinking—that there is plenty of bad things happening to people around the world. It doesn’t serve you to think or talk about the shortcomings or wrong actions of politicians. Keep your focus on gratefulness for the blessings that are yours and those that are on the way to you.

If you desire more abundance in your life and need help identifying how to attract that abundance, contact me for a free consultation. I’m here to help.

Linda Smith
Dreambuilder Coach and Life Mastery Consultant