It’s been a tough year and a half for all of us but as we come out of this pandemic, we probably all need a bit of rest and relaxation—perhaps some reflective time by ourselves. Even if you can’t afford a vacation or may even be too frightened to give up your mask, you can choose to chill out a bit. Sit on the porch and sip ice tea, read a good novel in your favorite spot under a tree, take a walk in a nearby park, cool off in the pool or just use the hose to splash yourself down—whatever works for you—take the time to truly rest and relax your body and mind. Maybe just take a nap every day in the coolness under the trees, or in a hammock, or your favorite lawn chair.
Our bodies and minds need a time to step back from ordinary worries and activities. The solstice is a perfect time to do that. This is when the sun begins to take a turn. In the northern hemisphere—the earth will now begin to turn more to the southern hemisphere and the days will slowly get shorter until the winter solstice when the sun’s long climb back begins. The symbolic meaning of the solstice represents awakening, enlightenment, and the triumph of light over dark. On June 20th, the light will be at its longest day in the Northern hemisphere. That also means that it will be the shortest night—the light triumphs over the darkness.
At Stonehenge in England, the sun perfectly matches the space between the giant monoliths, and it is only on the summer solstice that this event occurs. Hmmm…some ancient peoples figured that one out.
So how are you managing the light and the dark in your life? Is there balance? Or do you feel you are still coping with too much darkness, uncertainty and worry. If so, I can help you. Contact me for a FREE consultation. Together we can look at bringing more light into your life.
Linda Smith
Dreambuilder Coach and Life Mastery Consultant