Many of us who have lived long enough can state unequivocally we have never seen such division in our country over just about any and everything. There seems to be very little we can agree upon. And yet in this blog I want to write about hope and how we can live into the future. That just happens to be the names of two of Young Living’s great essential oil blends – Hope™ and Living into the Future™. In order to rise above the name calling and fire-breathing rhetoric we need to hope that the future will have more calm, cooperation, justice, understanding, appreciation of our differences, compassion, patience, acceptance of one another, openness and a sense of welcome for the stranger.
We start where we are in our own circle of family and friends. And since you my readers are “oilers”, we have magnificent essential oil blends to help us change what we can and that means we start with ourselves. What will it take for you to have the patience to stop and breathe first before responding with anger or resentment over the affairs you observe in family, community and nation? Love is patient, love is kind. As I look around it is hard to see people in power acting as great role models especially for our young. That just means that we must step up and be the example younger people need. When children see bad behavior from adults they know that it must be ok. If we are ever to expect the next generation to be better than this one, then enough of us need to model hope for a better future.
Hope™ essential oil blend helps us move forward in life with strength and grounding. It is made up of sweet almond oil, Melissa, Juniper, Myrrh, and Black Spruce. Try diffusing this one or wearing it. Hope™ may have a bit of skin sensitivity so exercise caution for sensitive skin.
Into the Future™ is a blend that helps us leave the past behind in order to embrace the vision for the future. It inspires determination and a pioneering spirit and creates a strong emotional feeling of being able to reach one’s potential. It has sweet almond oil, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, White Fir, Idaho Blue Spruce, Jasmine, Juniper, Frankincense, Orange, Cedarwood, and White Lotus.
My last words for this blog entry are about our civic responsibility. If you don’t like what is going on in our country—then express yourself—go out and VOTE!