What You Will Learn in This Blog
The key to getting more out of life starts with your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Here are some tips on maintaining a healthy positive outlook that will help you gain what you desire for your life. Just remember – EVERYTHING is Energy!
I know what you might be thinking, you already have plenty on your plate – getting more out of life might push you into a state of overflow or worse yet, into paralysis! Life is supposed to be full of joy, happiness, and fulfillment – not pain, misery, stress, and worry! And I ‘m not even referring to the cost of food, gas or rent here!
Getting more out of life begins with your thoughts. Your thoughts lead to feelings which direct your actions. You want more out of life? Then as Ralph Waldo Emerson tells us, “Stand guard at the portal of your mind.” When you allow negative thinking to enter, it’s like rushing down the rabbit hole into oblivion. Your present life is the result of either standing guard over your thoughts or allowing them to run wild chasing that rabbit!
OK, say you do want more out of life, how do you get there?
First, get clear on what you DO want for your life – picture it in detail. Since everything is energy, where you are right now is on a particular vibrational frequency. However, where you want your life to be, must be on a higher frequency, otherwise, you would already be living that life. Right?
So, what would it take for you to move from the frequency level where you presently are to the frequency level where your vision of a life you would enjoy is? It would take making a decision to take steps every day to achieve your vision. In other words, you would need to think and act like the person you want to become!
Ok, I get it. I need to be the very best version of me only if I look at my past, I haven’t always lived up to that. Yes, I’m just as human as everyone else. But in my legacy years, I have gathered some wisdom to share with others on how to match your frequency to what you would love for your life. It all begins with what you are holding your attention on. You see, God (Universe, Higher Power) doesn’t read your intention – it responds to whatever you have your attention on.
Curious as to steps you can take to manifest the frequency of your desired vision for your life? Let’s talk. I offer a free consultation to help you gain the clarity you desire for a life you would love. Just go to Contact Us on this website and click on one of our calendars and schedule yourself for a free consult. We will help you gain clarity for that “more in life” you desire and point you in the right direction on how to get there.