Last month I told you that Rich and I were dreaming a new dream home, letting go of our lake home to choose a home in the city near culture, restaurants, and social events. Our home sold in 6 days, and we found a brand-new home that met about 99% of our wish list. We should move in on the first of next month.

In the meantime, we are packing yet again; not everything is coming with us this time. It’s definitely time to downsize and let go of “stuff.” Everything from clothes to kitchen gadgets, bedroom furniture, chairs, outdoor furniture, and tools – we are letting it go!

Life is like that. We come innocently into this world and immediately begin “collecting” our “stuff.” It may start with toys but quickly turns into ownership of things assigned to us by older people, primarily parents, and grandparents. By the time we go off to college, we have a lot of stuff that we literally stuff into a small car or, sometimes, a U-Haul truck!

And then there is what we do after college – first apartment or small house that we rent. It doesn’t take long before we have a couch, chair, TV, tables, lamps, a bed and dresser, and an assortment of dishes, glasses, and mugs that we have picked up here and there in our life travels.

By the time we reach retirement, we have a lot of stuff – some left over from our earlier life and some that is nicer and more expensive. We may even have beautiful sculptures on pedestals or signed prints from very good artists on the wall. And don’t get me started on all the garden stuff and tools bought for one single purpose and then left to gather dust in a garage or shed.

We enjoyed all this “stuff,” but now it’s time to let it go. We can either choose to let this be easy or difficult. If you choose the harder way, you invite grief and suffering into your life. If you choose the easy way, you can focus on your precious items enjoying a new life.

In the end, everything eventually goes into circulation once again, or it is forever discarded or trashed. Nothing is permanently ours. All “stuff” is only on loan.

So, this month, I invite you to take a few moments and reflect on your “stuff.” Is it ready to be recirculated, or does it still serve a greater purpose for you today? There will come a time when either you will let it go or someone else will do it for you.

I didn’t say this would be easy, but it can be an experience of relief when you consider that someone else will have the opportunity to love your stuff that you collected over a lifetime. Attachments can be your downfall if you aren’t carefully aware.

Let me hear from you on how you deal with letting go and moving on in life. If you are having a hard time with this, contact me. I may have a few pointers! Just go to and click on Contact Us at the top of the home page. Just schedule a time for us to explore ways you can be ready for your own downsizing.