Yes, February is the month when we think about love especially the love we have for the “love of your life”. Whether that person is here or moved to the next life, we all have someone that we have a special love for—if it’s not a spouse or significant other, maybe it’s a parent or sibling, neighbor, or special friend. Or it just might be your four-legged friend that you have a very special bond with.
Your mindset refers to whether you believe your personal qualities and talents are fixed or changeable traits. A fixed mindset believes your qualities and talents are fixed—and not likely to change. A growth mindset believes that these abilities are developed and strengthened through commitment and hard work.
Embracing a mindset to really love that one special person in your life says that you are ready to grow in this relationship and not take it for granted. Life can be messy with mistakes, setbacks, and aggravations—especially with that special someone in your life. A growth mindset is about living up to one’s possible potential and that’s not always knowable according to Carol Dweck, an expert on mindsets.
Your mindset plays a critical role in how you cope with life’s challenges especially in the area of your love life. A growth mindset looks at relationship with a partner and knows that growth and change are possible. A good lasting relationship comes form effort and from working through inevitable differences.
Forgiveness, not blame is growing in love. Encouraging your partner’s development and having them encourage yours is a way for each to achieve their own goals and fulfilling their own potential. This is what is meant by growing in love.
Are you longing to find the love of your life? Don’t know where to start? I know that feeling well since I was there just four years ago. I found the love of my life and I can help you find that special relationship as well. Contact me for a free consultation and let’s see where it leads you.
To your health in mind and body,
Linda Smith