by Linda Smith | Mar 1, 2021 | Linda's Blog
It’s early spring here in South Carolina and I am anxiously looking over my flower beds and pots planning what’s next. It’s time to clear out the weeds and dead plants from last fall and see what the nurseries are offering for early planting. That got me to thinking...
by Linda Smith | Feb 15, 2021 | Linda's Blog
Yes, February is the month when we think about love especially the love we have for the “love of your life”. Whether that person is here or moved to the next life, we all have someone that we have a special love for—if it’s not a spouse or significant other, maybe...
by Linda Smith | Feb 1, 2021 | Linda's Blog
In the month of February, we celebrate love for one another on Valentine’s day. But as I look at our society today, I see a longing for common courtesy or kindness to one another, as well as a longing for the courage to actually lift ourselves up vibrationally so we...
by Linda Smith | Jan 15, 2021 | Linda's Blog
Lately I have seen quite a few articles on why some people are more susceptible to the coronavirus and it has to do with our warm, dry homes! Viruses actually do very well under these conditions—proliferating that is. Some are recommending 40-60% humidity to decrease...
by Linda Smith | Jan 1, 2021 | Linda's Blog
I love arriving at the beginning of a new year and a chance to start fresh with new thoughts, new visions and new dreams. I start with a clean new journal for the year taking quiet time to reflect on where I have been the past year, what I dreamed at the beginning of...