This week we celebrate the founding of our country. Many died to make that happen, and many still die to protect that freedom – the freedom to be who we are.
This is not something I take lightly, nor should you. As spiritual beings, we get this one physical life to live as far as we know. When I contemplate that thought, I have the greatest respect for living each day to the fullest.
I am so blessed to live in a country where I AM free to be who I am. That is not the case for most people on this planet. It also reminds me of my duty to take advantage of all the blessings that come from living in the United States of America. And it is a reminder to help those in the world who struggle with a lack of freedom to express who they are and what they have to contribute to the world. No wonder so many people are willing to die to come to a country where they can be free to be who they are.
I cringe when I hear words indicating there isn’t enough for everyone. We live in an abundant universe – there is enough for all of us – there is simply a distribution problem. How we solve that is not just up to the politicians, it is up to all of us who recognize that all people are our brothers and sisters.
My blog is not a political statement as much as it is about having a vision and a dream for all people’s freedom to express their gifts and talents in ways that help them attain their dreams.
Being free to be who we are is our responsibility as well. Our responsibility is to maintain the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the earth that bears the seeds of plants that nourish us. The future generations that will come after us depend upon us to leave this earth in good shape.
So, when you look at it, freedom comes with a price tag. It’s not just about paying taxes to keep everything running well; it is working together to envision a sustainable world where all people can live lives of happiness, joy, and peace.
I strive to live each day in gratitude for what I have. I also strive to accept all people as my brothers and sisters, even when their actions hurt one another. We can co-exist in this world, but first, we must strive to accept one another.
I welcome your comments on what it means to be free to be yourself. And if you want to talk to me regarding how to express your freedom in healthy ways, go to and book a time on my calendar.