
Are You Living an Abundant Lifestyle?

Are You Living an Abundant Lifestyle?

From the title you might expect that I would be talking about luxury, a big home, fancy meals, trips, cruises—living the high life with an abundance of money! Maybe even having a gardener and housekeeper to manage a big home of your dreams. Is that your vision for an...

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Facing Fear

Facing Fear

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt your very way of life and existence was being threatened? I have many times in my past but recently this ugly monster raised its head once again. It came in the form of taxes due! Now everyone pays the tax man, “what’s...

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The Law of Non-Resistance

The Law of Non-Resistance

“But I say unto you; That ye resist not evil.”   Mark 5:39 The content of my blog this month comes from “Working With The Law” by Raymond Holliwell. True harmony doesn’t come from inharmony any more than peace comes from discord.  Resistance to achieve peace and...

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What If Life Was Easy?

What If Life Was Easy?

It’s a matter of how you think about things—if you believe life can be easy—that will be your experience. But if your experience of life is hard, you can change that and believe your life can be easy. Trust me, it’s a matter of how you think about things that makes...

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