It is time to notice the change of season for it is upon us. So is the change of political thought not just in the U.S. but in many other countries as well. We are becoming more and more polarized and unforgiving of one another.

In the U.S., we have another 4 weeks to listen to increasing negative diatribe against opponents. It’s time to stop! It’s time we looked within and not without. It’s time we look at our own hearts for the answers we seek to solve common problems.

Is there an oil for that some may ask me?

I would say yes, of course—but that would be naive. But I do have suggestions.

When we go within and examine our own spiritual soul’s tasks in this lifetime, we see actions such as kindness, consideration, love, compassion, and caring for one another. I like to picture in my mind how we came into this life naked and we will leave naked, taking nothing with us but our soul’s accomplishment.

When we find ourselves embroiled in the latest politics of living together on this planet, it’s time to stop and breathe deeply, asking our Source, our God, for direction. This is where I believe certain essential oils can aid our connection to divine inspiration.

Take for instance, frankincense. The fragrance of frankincense opens the mind, relaxes our bodies, and restores balance and harmony between body, mind, and soul. Frankincense for those of you who want to know the science behind it, is full of terpenes—over 90% monoterpenes and about 8% sesquiterpenes.

Terpenes are small enough to cross the blood-brain barrier and stimulate the limbic system of the brain as well as the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands. This essential oil can thus relax and rejuvenate at the same time.

Frankincense has a very long history, well over 5,000 years and is mentioned in all of the great spiritual teachings. It has been used to enhance meditation and elevate spiritual consciousness in addition to being used as a holy anointing oil and as a general cure-all for diseases. Its fragrance increases spiritual awareness and improves attitude, and it uplifts your spirit which may help to strengthen your immune system and decrease sadness. What’s more—it helps to cease mental chatter and stills the mind.

OK, getting back to the polarized politics, wouldn’t our world be different if we all breathed in the fragrance of frankincense?! The Romans used to burn frankincense in all their political buildings. I now understand why. We may not be able to convince the halls of congress to burn frankincense, but we can certainly do that in our own homes. If enough of us have a change of heart, we may just be able to live with each other.

If you want to know more about essential oils and what they can do for you, contact me for a free consultation. Just go to my calendar on the home page and schedule yourself. I will be in contact.

Linda Smith