I had a thought the other day about spring clearing our gardens. It’s the beginning of March and those of us who are gardeners start turning our thoughts to preparing the land for new seeds. Stay with me on this—(it’s a metaphor for what’s needed inside our minds as well).
During the winter months the weeds and the dried-up plantings from last fall need to be cleared away, the soil prepared and fertilized to receive the new seeds. We may need to do the same for our mind field. Take a moment and reflect on your own thinking. What needs to be cleared away and let go? Resentments, misunderstandings, even anger and mistrust. We are living in a time of great mistrust in our nation with our political system ramping up for another “fight” over who is right and who isn’t. Don’t think you are not touched by this unless you have been living under a rock somewhere! So, what needs clearing away in your thinking? What new seeds do you wish to plant and take root?
Here are a few suggestions in case you don’t know what to plant this spring in the field of your mind. The flowers of compassion, understanding, love, patience, trust, and above all—kindness to one another. We must be vigilant though, weeds we didn’t sow may slip into the garden of our minds through what is seen and heard on social media, TV, radio, and the internet. You may need assistance to stay vigilant so don’t be afraid to call upon a Higher Power to keep you balanced and headed in the right direction for your soul. Those negative thoughts are insidious and can worm their way into your paradigms (the way you look at life). Need help sorting them out? I have found coaching to be the best method, and yes, I have tried many different therapies (body and mind) in my lifetime to stay the course. If you need help, call me for a free strategy session that just might give you some insights into keeping the garden of your mind full of beautiful flowers with no weeds.
Linda Smith