January was named after Janus, the god of doors, gates, and transitions, for his ability to turn one face to reflect upon the past and yet another face freshly pointed upon the future.

January 1st is when many people wake up to make resolutions to improve their lives and circumstances.

For most people, these resolutions are a distant memory by March. The diet doesn’t last; the workout equipment gathers dust, the urge to light up is constant, etc. Why? I believe it is because there is no process to support a resolution. There is no prescribed homework or “lifework” to help keep one on task. There is no partner in believing or a “coach” providing verbal support and encouragement.

It is so easy for the old habits or paradigms to take hold. Focusing on creating a vision for a life you love and working with a Dreambuilder coach or Life Mastery Consultant is much more powerful and effective.

A certified coach can present a structured program to help you identify the gap between where you are and where you long to be.

A certified coach can walk with you on your journey of discovery and provide tools for overcoming obstacles that would typically stop you in your tracks.

A good coach will believe in your ability to achieve whatever you desire and show you it is possible by sharing their transformative journey.

A coach will help you develop a three-year vision and share the importance of taking a daily step toward that vision. A coach will celebrate every win with you. A good coach will also be tough, holding you accountable for what you say you will do.

So this year, if you want to make changes in the area of your health, or if you long to find love or strengthen an existing relationship, if you desire to make career-related changes, or if you want to have the freedom to do what you want, go where you want, have what you wish to or give what you want, don’t make a resolution, find yourself a life coach who has experienced a transformation in their life through the creation of a vision and by doing what they could from where they were with what they had. I would love to talk with you about coaching opportunities I could provide you.

“I learned this at least by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams and endeavors to live the life which they have imagined, they will meet with a success unexpected in common hours…”-Henry David Thoreau