In my last blog entry, I talked about how I listened to my intuition (for me that’s God Speaking to my heart and mind) and created new educational programs in energy healing and aromatherapy. I also listened and knew when to let go of those programs and move on in life even though I had no idea what lay in the future for me. The power of intuition is influenced by what or where we place our attention. The Universal Mind (God) hears what we place our attention on and assumes that is our intention—what we desire in life. If we are always thinking about negative things like scarcity, or the economy, or how bad our life is—the Universe hears us and gives us exactly what we place our attention on—more of the same. Our intuition tells us that there is more to life than what we are experiencing and tries to get us to place our attention on desirable things and not on how badly things are going.

So how can we strengthen our intuition with what we already have in nature and not depend on pharmaceutical drugs to deal with uncertainty, stress, maybe even depression? If you are on this newsletter list, you probably have been introduced to powerful essential oils, many of which are full of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. These wonderful compounds cross the blood-brain barrier and can increase the flow of powerful neurotransmitters that calm the brain. You have probably also heard of these neurotransmitters—the most famous being serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. These calming natural chemicals calm the nervous system or act as stimulants for the parasympathetic system (this is NOT your flight or fight system but your system of maintaining normality).

Single oils that you might want to check out include rose, lavender, neroli, sandalwood, Roman chamomile, orange, cypress, goldenrod, tangerine, lemongrass, valerian, patchouli, and Marjoram. Young Living blends include Surrender™, Tranquil™, Peace and Calming™, Valor™, and White Angelica™. These represent many of my most favorite oils—my go-to emergency kit for when I am stressed. You see, when you are stressed, you lose your ability to think clearly or even access your intuitive listening. That’s why meditation is so helpful. In meditation, we quiet the mind and our senses, and are able to open to spiritual guidance.

So today, take a breath. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Apply one or two of the suggested oils or put one in your diffuser. Then quietly focus on setting your intention to have a good day, a positive day, a day open to intuition.

Need guidance? Call me and we can talk.
Linda Smith