Huh? This is the feeling of longing for something you haven’t yet created, and the feeling of discontentment with your current circumstances that sparks you to grow. These two energies—the pain of your problem, and the burning desire for what you want are absolutely essential for creating NEW results. It is the pull to be something better, to do something greater, perhaps to live somewhere else or find that relationship you have only longed for. It’s that pull to be better than you are now. It’s the driving force that gets you up every day and wants you to move forward. Staying stagnant or stuck—kills your dreams.

When I say that God speaks to us through these longings and discontent in life, I am referring to that still small voice inside your head that says “grow, grow, life can be better.” “I can achieve more, be more, have more, and feel fulfilled and loved.”  “I can help more people, I can share more of my knowledge and wealth, I can be the philanthropist I dream of being.”

And then your present circumstances start to rear their heads and say, “You can’t escape your responsibilities here, you don’t have the money to dream big, you don’t have the connections, who do you think you are anyway?” And then you feel pulled back, dragged down into your present reality. And those longings and discontent stay right where they were—still trying to get your attention.

What does it require? A leap—into the unknown if you are to break free of your present circumstances. Scary, yes. There’s no safety net here, no guidance… or is there? To overcome fears of change, the wise woman or man needs to take a leap of faith and a guide would be most helpful. Someone who has taken those leaps and knows the way. We call them coaches and they keep us on track. They aren’t problem solvers, they don’t tell you what to do next, but they are companions, way-showers, challengers, clarifiers, and their desire is to help you create the life you would love living.

Listen to your longings and discontent. Where are they trying to take you? Then get help in the form of a coach. Someone who will challenge you to not listen to your fears and present circumstances but to focus on your dreams. If you don’t know anyone who can help you, contact us. We are here to help you. We can offer a free strategy session to see if one of us is a good fit for what you are looking for in achieving the life you would love living.


Linda Smith 720-201-9377

Richard Schmelke 941-276-1123