It has been said that some people live 90 years while many others live one year 90 times. In the movie “Groundhog Day”, the lead character wakes up to find out he is living the same day he already lived. Each day is exactly the same as the day before. Is this your life? Do you feel like you are in a rut? Are you in essence living the same day over and over? Are you filled with thoughts like; “this is just the way it is”, or, “I’m doing okay, I don’t need anything else”, or, “This is the best I can do during these times”, etc.? It is an accepted principle in the metaphysical world that all things are created twice; they are first created in the mind as thoughts and then they are created (formed) in the physical world. What we think we manifest or create. If we have constrictive or limiting thoughts, we will have a constrictive or limiting life. Thoughts like; “I have everything I need, I don’t need anything else”, or “I’ll never be able to have that, or be that, or go there,” etc. are messages to the creator, the universe, light, Spirit, God, whatever term you use to define your Higher or Divine Power, that this is the life you want to live and so that is the life you will have.

Whereas, if we wake each day with the realization of and gratitude for the fact that it is a brand new baby day, never before lived, where everything that occurs that day has never happened in exactly the same way as any other day and will never happen again. When we understand that the air we breathe is brand new, that the sky we see is brand new, that the water in the stream, brook, lake, ocean, etc. is not the same as it was the day before, we are giving ourselves an opportunity to refresh our thoughts to be bigger, more expansive than the previous day(s), an opportunity to set an intention to be a better version of ourselves than we were the day before, to realize that there are an infinite number of opportunities for us to explore that day, opportunities that could put us on the path towards a life we would truly love living whatever time we have left.

So, I ask you, do you want to be remembered as someone who lived one year 90 times, or as someone who lived 90 years. If it’s the latter, I can help you get started on that journey. Go to and click on schedule a session with Rich to set up a complimentary strategy session to learn how.


Rich Schmelke
