I have been very busy these past few months and have 4 new books available since January. Woo! The first one is all about your immune system and putting it as a priority in your life. Its brand new material with updates on the latest oils and Young Living products that can help support your immune system. The title is Put Your Immune System in the Winner’s Circle. I focus on 5 single oils and 5 essential oil blends, bringing you the science backed up by research. Finally, I suggest a number of supplements that are enhanced with essential oils to boost immunity.
My second new book of the year is Breathe Better with the Help of Essential Oils. This book takes the place of the ebook on the respiratory system. I have greatly expanded this book and added descriptions of oils high in the 1,8 cineole compound—the respiratory tract’s best friend. If you have struggles to breathe, this is a very helpful resource.
My third book also takes the place of one of my earlier ebooks. It is titled Improve Digestion with the Help of Essential Oils. Here too I have greatly expanded the information and added descriptions of many oils known to support or improve digestive functions. So many people suffer from poor digestion today—here is a holistic resource to help you. This book is being released September 1 st .
And my 4 th book will be released October first is Essential Oils for Tired and Achy Muscles and Bones. This replaces my ebook on the musculoskeletal system and it too is greatly expanded with descriptions of key essential oils known to be beneficial for muscles and bones. The various types of pain are discussed with aromatherapy applications. I focus on 17 essential oils known to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions.
Now that I have more resources for you, I would like to hear from you. What areas would you like me to research and write about? Send me an email and give me your suggestions.