Thanks to a great movie a few years ago with Jack Nicolson and Morgan Freeman everyone knows about a “Bucket List.” It’s all those things you want to accomplish before you “kick the bucket!”

Most people die without ever achieving any of the things on their bucket list. Why? Because they didn’t know there are steps to achieving your dreams.

First, make the List! Don’t edit –write them all down. Later you will prioritize your list and identify those things of the most importance in your life.

Second, and this is most important – select the top five things you want to accomplish reasonably in the next two/three years.

Now take one of them and notice what you’re noticing – how do you feel about this bucket list item? Doable or pie in the sky? When I say doable, that doesn’t mean you know exactly how you are going to achieve it.

In the movie, one of the items on Freeman’s list was skydiving. I have never particularly wanted to jump out of an airplane, but if that is something you have always wanted to do, then it’s time you put it on the calendar.

So, the next step is to calendarize your bucket item. Unless you take the step to schedule it, it won’t happen.

Now, what are the steps you will need to take once it’s on your calendar? Contact the skydiving company in your city for a tandem jump. Once you find out the physical limitations, you may want to schedule it in the future so you can lose a few pounds and get in shape. If that’s the case – calendarize the steps you are going to take to get in shape for this once-in-a-lifetime skydive.

Now all of this may seem rather elementary but trust me, most people never get beyond the first step. It’s taking action steps – even little baby steps EVERY DAY that will get you all the way to the Summit of Mount Everest.

OK, item number one on your bucket list is checked off. Now go to number two. You don’t have to fulfill the first item before going to other items on your list! If that were the case, you would need about fifty years to accomplish your Bucket List items.

This year I have already checked off three items on my bucket list DONE! How about you? Need help manifesting your dreams? We can help. Just go to our calendars and schedule a free call. We can help you bring some order to your bucket list!