We have now all been experiencing a pandemic for 13 months and it’s not over yet! Most people receiving my newsletter and actually reading my blogs have survived quite well by laying low, staying home, wearing a mask when they go out, and doing many holistic things that they have learned over the years.

However—health is more than maintaining. Would you like a level of vitality and health that you had in your youth? Or maybe you didn’t have a great deal of physical health then, but you certainly do wish that you had better health now that you are older?

Then it all begins with your thoughts and your thoughts begin with your heart which informs your mind. And that is a matter of chemical messengers the heart sends the limbic system (your emotional self) which then communicates with your thinking mind.

You see, your mind informs your body only you may not have been paying attention. Or maybe you have been paying attention but you have been listening to your mindset that is set in concrete. It tells you, “don’t rock the boat,” “don’t make waves,” “don’t make any changes that will cost you, especially money.” “Best to play safe right where you are.” “Change is scary.”

Visioning a life full of vitality and happiness is not only doable but is necessary if you are to experience a higher degree of health and well-being as you age. If you believe you will experience vitality in your older years, and trust your feelings on this, you literally are raising your frequency to that higher goal.

Now that is something that most people find difficult to do unless they have someone coaching them—holding them accountable. I can do that but first, let’s have a free coaching session where we can talk about your health and your dreams of a life full of vitality and happiness. I can help you decide for better health. Just go to our website and schedule your free session with me on my calendar. You’ll receive an email confirmation and so will I.

To Great Health and Well-Being!

Linda Smith