In some countries as well as our own we have had celebrations the first of May to honor the return of warmth and all things green. May first has found us celebrating with flowers and ribbons dancing around a May Pole. This actually is a tradition that has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years across many cultures. It usually involved feasting and drinking, a way of welcoming coming out of the dark and cold into the light and warmth of spring.

Our second big spring celebration is that of Mother’s Day honoring our mother’s gifts and sacrifices to bring new life (us) into existence. It’s a day that doesn’t have a long tradition but is one we have come to love and cherish.

So here we are in a time of cloistering in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Social distancing prevents us from being within six feet of each other and certainly not touching one another. How can we quietly celebrate the coming of the Light into our lives and celebrate and honor our mothers?

The virtual world is opening up all kinds of possibilities for connecting to one another. Whoever the developers of zoom are, they have got to be billionaires by now! Everyone and his brother are learning the intricacies of hosting a zoom meeting. Educational institutions from kindergarten to graduate programs, from programs like mine to all kinds of certification programs. And now, people are using zoom meetings to get their families together for the evening. My point is, there are ways for us to stay in contact, celebrate our lives together, and learn new things. Even conventions are now being held through zoom-like platforms. I will be attending one right from the comfort of my office with about 40,000 people in June—the Young Living Annual Convention.

So, stay connected. This need not be a time of complete isolation from society. It may be our “New Normal” for awhile, but one day we will be able to shake hands or give a hug to one another. If you are in need of someone to talk to about your isolation, give me a call.

Linda Smith
