I have an amazing life. My wife Linda, loves, honors, respects, and encourages me to be me. I have friends who support and encourage me as I endeavor to bring love, light and peace to all whom I encounter. We live in a beautiful lakefront home surrounded by magnificent trees and flowering bushes and gorgeous gardens. I am fortunate to be able to invest in my personal development on an on-going basis. I am grateful for the level at which we contribute to our church and the foundations and organizations that we support. I am blessed with good health.
But yet, I desire more. I want to be stronger and more fit. I want to have better flexibility and balance. I want to be coaching more people, guiding them on their journey to a life they love living. I want to be an amazing husband and friend to Linda all day, every day. I want to have and maintain a zero balance on our credit cards. I want to be able to travel, when and where we want. I want to be able to lend financial support to family members if needed. I want to be able to contribute to those organizations and foundations that we hold dear.
I do not in any way feel bad about wanting more out of life because I believe that these longings are nothing more than God/Spirit/Universe speaking to me, telling me to endeavor to be all that I dream to be. It’s like in the Talmud where it says that every blade of grass has its own angel leaning over it whispering “grow, grow, grow”, and that blade of grass will push through concrete seeking the light.
For me, it means listening to my still small voice that speaks to me constantly, telling me to seek those who are stuck in unfulfilling lives, who long for more, and support their desires for lives they would love living. And yes, there is something in it for me. First and foremost, I get to fulfill my burning desire to help others achieve their dreams, and in doing so support my vision of financial freedom so that I can live a life I love living which includes having the means to give generously to others.
So, if you are ready to get unstuck. If you are ready to listen to your longings for more in your life. If you would love to create a vision for your life like I did, and continue to do, then act now and schedule a free visioning consultation with me. All you have to do is click “schedule a session with Rich” on our homepage. Pick a date and time that works for you and it will be added to my calendar. I will reach out to you as soon as I get notification that you requested time with me. There is no better time to start your journey in the direction of your dreams. I am here to serve and support you so let’s get started.
Peace and love,
Rich Schmelke