Perhaps it’s just a smile or making eye contact with a salesperson or even allowing someone in a hurry to cut in front of you on the highway—it doesn’t take much to change the energy of an exchange between you and someone else. In fact, it is the little things in life that make this a better world for all of us. December winter here in North America can be a time of introspection especially when the weather turns raw and forbidding. What a great time to consider how you interact with others. Want people to be nicer to you? I don’t have to tell you that the best way is for you to be nicer. It’s a win-win.
Christmas time is traditionally a time of giving to others but who says it has to be expensive gifts? For many years, I made my Christmas gifts since I had no money. It forced me to be very creative with my time and talent. One year, instead of giving gifts—I made a donation to a charity organization in the name of my family and friends. This year, I asked my sisters what they would love for Christmas and was delighted to hear they wanted essential oils for diffusing. That I could handle readily. Since one of my sisters will be coming for Christmas along with her husband, I will have stockings hanging on the mantle for them with little things that I know will make a difference in their lives. Of course, it calls for creativity and thought to get little things they can use or treasure. I find that when I make the effort, I am charged with positive energy. I just feel good! That’s the neat thing about being grateful for the little things in life—it has just as great effect on you as it does on others.
Now what about your community? What little things can you do to make a difference? Volunteer? Donate? Make an effort each day to be happy and blessed and share that with others? Now here is a novel idea—why not improve your life by discovering the life you would love living. Do you realize that when you are truly happy and creative in your life—that energy affects every single person around you in a positive way. What better way to give to others then to improve your own life! That’s not selfish—that is contributing to the raising of the energy of the earth!!
Here’s to making a difference in life,
Linda Smith