What You Will Learn in this Blog

The choice is yours – continue growing until your last breath or contract into a life filled with contentment or discontent. Either way, personal growth ceases. Here’s some tips on staying youthful as long as you desire and the common thread that leads to meaningful purpose, happiness and joy!

As I passed the 40 mark and then the 50 mark, I still felt young and full of life. Then when I hit the magic age of 65 when the government says it’s time to retire, I wondered why everyone was concerned about “retirement.” I certainly didn’t feel like “retiring” from my life. Physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually I thought I was at the top of my game!

When I hit 70 and really decided to stop teaching, I moved somewhere warm to “see what life would present to me.”  What I discovered was a loss of purpose and meaning in life and that took me on a quest to invest in me to be open to what’s next that would lead to happiness and fulfillment.

Retirement does not mean rocking chair, nor does it mean you have to endure a decline in physical or mental health. Yes, that may be true for some, but are you someone who has given up? Even in the face of chronic illness, there are choices you can make to enjoy life.

Let me share with you some tips I have learned along the way that have kept me physically and mentally sharp and still in the game of life.

Physically – walking is the best medicine for our bodies. Can’t walk any distance? Then try chair yoga – that will keep your joints and muscles working for you. Got a few extra pounds you would like to shed? You can investigate the many diet fads out there or learn to eat what you want but just a little less of it. I recommend working with a trainer for strength training. My husband and I have been doing that twice a week for the past 2 years and it has made a world of difference in not only core strength but in stamina. As our trainer tells us – no walker, cane, or wheelchair in our future!

Mentally – keep reading and join a book club or find some partners in believing who you can enter stimulating conversations with. I did that – I joined a mastermind group in which we meet by zoom call every week! Challenging? Yes, but well worth the effort. I also recommend a little less watching the news and mindless TV. You want to keep your thinking muscle well-toned and ready to serve you. What creative endeavors spark your fancy? Find other like-minded individuals who also like what you like to do. Then go do it!

Spiritually – If belonging to a church community is helpful for you then get involved. If not, where do you feel a sense of quiet and nourishment for your soul? Nature? Being with a loved one? Meditation? Do what you need for YOU.

Relationships – I have noticed that as we reach certain ages, many are going into their later years alone. Either through divorce or death of their spouse/partner in life they find life lonely and yes, boring. I found that to be true for me. As I let go of the institute I had created and stopped teaching on the world scene, I experienced deep loneliness for the first time. If that is your experience, get out among people! Join organizations, volunteer, whatever it takes to be with others, meet new people, even enter the dating scene if you desire.

In these suggestions, there is one common tread – CHOICE! You need to choose to live life to the fullest. I have talked with hundreds of people who know they have a choice about their lives, but they are lost in identifying what they truly would love for their life, or they know what they want – they just don’t have a clue as to how to get there.

If that describes where you are, then let’s talk. I can help you gain clarity on WHAT you would love for your life to be happy and fulfilled. I offer a free consultation with no obligation. My desire is to help as many people as I can and if that leads to coaching – great. You see, I was at a place in my life about 7 years ago when I could no longer find meaning or purpose once I had stopped teaching. Entering into coaching with a master coach helped me gain the clarity I needed to vision a companion I could share my life with. And yes, I found him! And so, I want to help as many people as I can to find their meaning and joy in life after “retirement.”

To have a FREE consultation, go to www.TransformationalWellnessServices.com and click on Contact Us at the top of the page. Just schedule yourself for a time that works for you on one of our calendars. Don’t forget to click on the “FREEBIE” to get my 25-page FREE ebook called “What If… It Could Be Easy to Live the Life of Your Dreams?!”