I may be in my 70’s but I’m
Living Life to the Fullest!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Rich Schmelke and I am a certified Dream Builder Coach and Life Mastery Consultant. I received my certification through the Life Mastery Institute, the premier training center for Transformational Coaching.

So why am I writing a blog and why should you read it? Some years back, I was introduced to a heart centered, spiritually based, tried and proven program of personal growth. The knowledge, insight and level of awareness I have achieved and the personal experience I have had in the area of transformational growth has changed my life and is just too valuable not to share.

Before being exposed to the principles of dream building, I had a pretty narrowly focused view of life. That is I was retired and pretty much resigned to the notion that my life as a useful member of society was behind me. I tried to find things to occupy my time, things that would give me life and satisfy my desire to help others, but it wasn’t until I discovered Mary Morrissey and the principles of dream building, that is dreaming up a life I would love living, that I realized that I wasn’t done, that I had much more to learn and much more to offer in terms of service to others. It was that awakening of my inner self that started my on my journey of growth and development, one that I continue to this day.

So, if you are interested in learning about transformational growth principles and how they can be applied to your life you’ll want to follow my blog or contact me for a free 20 minute consultation. My life has changed dramatically and yours can as well.