I have heard it said that God has “sent us all to our rooms” until we can figure out how to work and play with each other. Yes, that brings either a smile or an annoyance to most people’s faces but with anything provocative, there is some truth to this statement. We have never had to deal with a worldwide crisis such as this. We can perceive it to be the biggest hoax the world has ever seen, or we can focus on the opportunity that comes from chaos. Our perception of these unusual times will determine how well we survive it. Simply dismissing it risks ignoring the physical consequences of how pandemics are spread—this one is airborne. Whether you believe masks and social distancing is the answer or not—you still risk getting it or inadvertently spreading it.
Perception is a powerful concept. It’s how we place meaning to thoughts and events. For example—this pandemic. You may think, “this is bad, this is really bad.” You may have lost your job, or maybe your source of income has dried up, or you have a compromised immune system and therefore are afraid to go near anyone in fear of catching this devastating virus. And you think, “this is bad!” Actually, we have a choice—we can decide how we will respond to any circumstance or situation—we get to shape the meaning of it any way we want! You actually have an internal pause button!! When something happens and you find yourself instantly wanting to react to it—stop and pause. In the pause, you already have access to a stream of information, ideas, and insights that you can shape your life with.
Our perceptions can tell us we are all victims of this deadly virus or they can tell us we are powerful in our immune system to either overcome or prevent infection. Perceptions are our reality. Our perception creates our reality. It’s how we see the situation that makes all the difference in our reality.
We have the ability to shift our perception and when we do, the entire universe shifts. Think about it—when enough of us shift our perception, this virus will simply disappear. We will have learned how to work and play with each other and be able to come out of our rooms once again.
Perception is one of our superpower mental gifts along with imagination, intention, will, memory, and reason. Want to learn more about these? I am a certified Life Mastery Consultant through LifeSoulutions created by Mary Morrissey. For a free consultation go to my website and at the bottom of the home page, you will find my calendar. Sign up for a free strategy Session to talk about these great superpowers you have.
Linda Smith