Actually, there are many great essential oils to repel these little summer bitters. Citronella – Cymbopogon nardus, is probably the most famous one and one that is included in most insect repellants. I grew up believing you had to have citronella rings to burn if you were going to play outside. They never seemed to work very well. Citronella essential oil is much stronger of course and much more effective. It can be diffused, inhaled directly, or applied to the skin. When using it on the skin you can either apply it directly around your ankles, wrists and neck areas or you can dilute it and spray it on.. It is a powerful insect repellent, and certainly provides an inhospitable environment for pathogens like bacteria and fungus.

But did you know that citronella is also supportive for your respiratory system, digestive system, and skin problems.

Here is a great combination—mix citronella with cedarwood—makes for a great double wammy against those pesky critters.

Want to know more about how essential oils can benefit you physically, emotionally and spiritually? Check out my webinars twice a month. There you will discover a wealth of information, but you have to sign up for the webinars.

Linda Smith