Introduction to Using Essential Oils for Healthy Body and Mind
Nature Has Held the Key for Thousands of Years!
For many years, people have asked me to write this intro book. It has taken a “stay at home” order for me to get it done! This little 54 page ebook is the answer for all those who want to know the basics about the power of essential oils and how to use them safely for maintaining a healthy body and mind. And for all those who are already aromatherapists, this is a handy ebook to send your clients to for information on the oils that is safe and scientifically based. I address where we get essential oils, distillation, a quick note on the complexity of the chemistry of oils, a background on the vibrational frequencies of oils and how that works to raise our physical and energetic frequency (think raising your immune level). I show how essential oils can boost your immune system especially at stressful times like pandemics. Then, I address some specific uses of essential oils that are pertinent for today–pain relief, inflammation, essential oils to aid digestion, oils that aid breathing and essential oils to aid the body’s natural defenses. I have literally condensed a year’s course in this little ebook.
Available only electronically.
54 pages