The Role of Olfaction on Human Psychology


Olfaction is probably one of our least understood senses, but it has the most direct route affecting the central core of the brain where we live – the limbic system. Scents, memories, and emotions get connected in an intimate way. It is not too farfetched to see why those who have impairment of the olfactory sense also suffer from different neurological or emotional problems.

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Olfaction is probably one of our least understood senses, but it has the most direct route affecting the central core of the brain where we live – the limbic system. Scents, memories, and emotions get connected in an intimate way. It is not too farfetched to see why those who have impairment of the olfactory sense also suffer from different neurological or emotional problems. In the Role of Olfaction on Human Psychology, the author focuses on this unique interconnection to help us see how our sense of smell has played a role in keeping us alive as well as affecting us with a rich emotional life. The importance of pheromones is also discussed along with subliminal fragrancing. In modern life we aren’t so aware of human pheromones, at least not on a conscious level. However, they play significant roles in how we conduct our social behavior. As aromatherapists this is one area that we need to thoroughly understand. Yes, the study of essential oils is much more than fragrances, but knowing how these odorant molecules actually affect our brains and every cell of the body is crucial to our being able to assess and help the clients who come to us. And for those who aren’t aromatherapists but curious about how this sense works, you may begin to view aromas in a whole new light!