Growing up from childhood to our teenage years, many of us thought physical love to be most attractive, thanks to rising hormone levels. Maybe that’s because we weren’t mature enough to understand what spiritual love is. And maybe understanding spiritual love for you came at a much older part of your life when you had achieved some level of wisdom.

Spiritual love is much deeper than physical attraction. It is rooted in a spiritual connection that helps us find meaning and purpose in our lives. Spiritual love can serve many purposes – some are lifelong lessons, and others are meant to teach us short-term specific lessons.

There’s no one definition of what spiritual love means. Your religious upbringing, or lack thereof, will influence how you perceive life’s blessings and lessons. People flow in and out of our lives, either blessing us or giving us a life lesson. Think of the many relationships and friendships you have had over the years. Some of these relationships have lasted, while others have gone by the wayside.

Perhaps it’s helpful to remember what spirituality means. It’s a connection to something bigger than ourselves. That could mean God (your Higher Power) to family members, your spouse, or to your children. It may also be a connection to the earth, to beauty, art, or even to the service of others.

What role does spiritual love play in relationships? Let’s look at this question from the point of view of energy. When the connection between two people is primarily physical, the energy attraction often is not sustained over time. There isn’t enough depth (spiritual energy) to hold them together. Spiritual love is rooted and supported by a spiritual connection. How does this person help you to be a better you? How do they help you find greater meaning and purpose in your life?

So here we are in the month of Love. It’s a great time to examine your relationships with others. How are they helping you to achieve greater wholeness and, ultimately, greater wisdom as you move through life? These questions are not meant to be depressing but uplifting. We are here for only a short time to learn specific lessons in life.

If you have questions about spiritual love in your relationships, then let’s chat. Sign up for a complimentary consultation on our website: Https:// by clicking on Contact Us at the top of the homepage. Our calendars will appear where you can choose a time that works for you. I’ll help you look at the deeper meanings of spiritual love and how to deepen your closest relationships.