This spring is not like any other spring we have ever encountered! It presents with lots of challenges as well as opportunities. I prefer to dwell on the opportunities. Regardless how you see your world right now, you need a healthy immune system to deal with challenges/opportunities. We probably have gotten the message that eating healthy, getting plenty of restful sleep, drinking water and healthy movement/exercise are a must. What else could you do to ensure your immune system is boosted to meet your needs? Glad you asked.
Therapeutic essential oils are an absolute must along with essential oil enhanced supplements. First, let’s look at keeping our homes clean. Yes, this will go a long way towards boosting your immune system. I highly recommend the Thieves™ products whether it is the household cleaner, foaming hand soap, waterless hand purifier, spray, bar soap, dish soap, laundry detergent, mouth wash or toothpaste—Thieves™ essential oil was proven years ago by a university study to be an oil to boost your immunity. Young Living capitalized on this great oil blend to create products we use on a daily basis that are not only safe to use but healthy as well.
Second, applying essential oils and diffusing them. Since Thieves™ essential oil blend has been shown to boost the immune system, try applying 1-2 drops on the soles of your feet at bedtime and after you have taken your morning shower. Other essential oils that may be helpful include Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), Immupower™ essential oil blend, R.C. ™essential oil blend, Raven™ essential oil blend, and Melrose™ essential oil blend.
Next, boost your cellular support by taking key supplements like Vitamin C, Inner Defense™, Life 9™, Longevity™, OmegaGize™, Super B™, ImmuPro™, and MultiGreens™. Plus be sure to drink your NingXia Red™ every day. I take all of these every day and have for years.
If you have questions, let me know. As a holistic nurse and healer, I can offer you alternative advice on staying above the wellness line.
Linda Smith