I love arriving at the beginning of a new year and a chance to start fresh with new thoughts, new visions and new dreams. I start with a clean new journal for the year taking quiet time to reflect on where I have been the past year, what I dreamed at the beginning of the year, what I accomplished, and what is still in incubation. It can be an inspiring time for me, not a time to beat up on myself for lost dreams.

The door is now closed on 2020’s circumstances, situations and conditions—for all of us! It’s time to release and let go of fears, complications, social isolation, and claim the steppingstones to the life you want.

I can’t wait for new beginnings as I breathe in the fresh air of new dreams for the coming year. I’m not referring to making “New Year’s Resolutions” – they don’t work for me or I should say, I am not faithful to them. I am inspired though to be positive, creative, and to think in possibilities. Yes—this can be the best year of my life as I look down my path and see my life in one year, two years, and three years from now.

So, what about you? Are you ready to let go of fear, decide for a positive outlook on life, and claim your dreams and visions for your future? Only you know what you want for a great life. Do you need a boost of support to get there or to get back on track for the visions and dreams you already identified but let go of with the excuse of the pandemic?

That’s what I do—I support others who are ready to transform their lives into ones they truly would love living. I can offer you a proven system of transformation for your mindset that will increase your energy and your results.

Don’t let this just be a continuation of what you experienced in 2020. Even with lockdowns, social distancing and wearing of the mask there is so much we can do to expand our horizons, create abundance, and increase our fulfillment and joy.

It doesn’t hurt to talk to someone about your dreams, in fact we offer a free consultation. Both Rich and I are available to help you get clarity on your dream. All you have to do is schedule yourself on our calendar. We’ll send you a questionnaire to help you identify what you envision for your life, then we can talk. www.TransformationalWellnessservices.com

So, start fresh in 2021 and put your dreams and visions down on paper. Then we can talk.

Blessings for the new year,

Linda Smith

