What You Will Learn in This Blog
Life has disappointments and challenges and at other times life is filled with joys and excitement. We can take “baby” steps to find the open doors to the next great step in your life.
Life can get complicated at times. Responsibilities, disappointments, challenges, deaths, heartaches, even tragedies, illnesses and the like. But life can also be filled with joys, thrills, happiness, excitement, love, new births, and new life.
When those complicated times occur, it is possible to take even a baby step to change the situation to a positive stance. We simply take the steps we CAN take. I know that sounds easy but trust me, it truly can be easy if you desire it.
Only you know what those steps may be. How do we find out what they are? Listen inside. Take a breath and ask your Higher Power for what to do next. It may be as simple as make a phone call, say I’m sorry, or write a note.
Have you ever watched a baby take their first steps in life? They spend a lot of time falling on their butt. They don’t let that stop them. You see, they observe big people walking around on two feet and getting quickly to where they want to go. Getting up on their two feet becomes a goal and they will try, try, try until they accomplish their goal of getting quickly to where they want to go.
Not all heartaches, disappointments or challenging times are “bad.” Sometimes they are doorways to something even better in life. It is the passing of time that proves to us the greater message for our lives. The old adage, “when one door closes… another one opens,” is truth! We just have to trust that Providence has our best interest in mind.
In my own life I have experienced doors closing that I thought were the right doors to the life I was pursuing only to find that there was something much better waiting around the corner.
There was the time when I lost my position as director of the hospice I created and had obtained certification for. I was “devastated” at the time, however, the next door opened, and it completely changed my life and my future. I was hired as the first administrator for the Healing Touch program which could not have happened had I tried to hang on to the hospice position. Five years later, I was creating my own program in energy healing, The Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry program.
A door closing is only a sign that says, “not this way, there is a better way!” How do we find the “better way” door? By practicing patience and trust that God does have our well-being in mind. That door may not appear immediately especially if we are in a state of panic when we cannot hear anything!
There will be times also when the “door” doesn’t appear or at least we cannot see it. That’s when we need to reach out for help. Find a mentor or a coach who can help you see where your open doors may be.
Those doors are there – they just may not be in your consciousness. If you need help, contact me – that’s what I do! I can offer you a FREE consultation to help you get on your way and if it looks like a good fit for both of us, I can offer coaching to not only find the open door but walk through it. Just go to Contact Us on this website and click on one of our calendars and schedule yourself for a free consult. Either Rich or I can point you in the right direction to find your open doors.