“But I say unto you; That ye resist not evil.” Mark 5:39
The content of my blog this month comes from “Working With The Law” by Raymond Holliwell.
True harmony doesn’t come from inharmony any more than peace comes from discord. Resistance to achieve peace and harmony is a mistaken and misleading idea. Resistance fails because it is not in accord with harmony and order, which is the Law.
Working with this Law does not require you to work over or against the things you do not want. It does require you to work with and for those things that you do want. Giving your time, thought, and energy to that which is opposed to what you want, sets up resistance, which is contrary to the Law, and bars the way to your good to come in. However, if you practice non-resistance and get in agreement with all that is prosperous and use every means at your command, you make it easy for prosperity to come into your life.
I’ll use water as an example. Water is a very powerful yet perfectly non-resistance element. It can wear away the hardest rock. It can sweep everything before it’s torrential outburst. Bridges, buildings, trees, nothing can withstand its force.
Great rivers actually begin as small streams or brooks high up in the mountains where they are fed by ice and snow in the springtime. These streams or brooks are nothing like the rivers they flow into. Sometimes they are only tens of feet wide at their beginning and as they make their way to the river, the stream of water runs into boulders, rocks, fallen trees or debris made up of bushes and decayed leaves. Does this little stream of water stop when it encounters an obstacle? Does it wait for its force to build up so that it can push the obstacle out of the way? No, it doesn’t waste time with obstacles, but merely quietly works its way around the interference and hurries along, getting ever closer to its goal of reaching the river.
Some people being unaware of Nature’s methods, use a different approach. Upon encountering an obstacle or interference, they stop their progress to collect their forces to put up a fight to remove it. This “resistance” causes friction and friction can cause irritation and inflammation which can lead them to lead lives that are hard and exacting. The waste in energy is appalling and they are wearing out like obsolete machinery. Remember, it is not the movement of the machine that wears it out, it is FRICTION, which is nothing more than opposition and resistance.
Another lesson we may learn from our stream, is at the beginning it encounters many obstacles in its path and it has to seek ever changing paths to avoid them. It is applying the Law of Non-resistance as it becomes a larger, more powerful stream and then a river at which time its path is more direct, and the obstacle become less and less.
As a certified Life Mastery Coach, I can support you in your journey from being a stream, (i.e, your current life) winding your way through life’s obstacles, (i.e., circumstances, conditions, situations) to becoming a river (i.e., a full spectrum, abundant life that you would love.)
Visit our website; www.transformationalwellnessservices.com and schedule a complimentary consultation with me. During the 45-60 minutes we spend together I will help you get crystal clear on the river you long to become.