In the month of February, we celebrate love for one another on Valentine’s day.

But as I look at our society today, I see a longing for common courtesy or kindness to one another, as well as a longing for the courage to actually lift ourselves up vibrationally so we can embrace love. Fifty percent of the nation was relieved at the change of leadership last month and fifty percent were angry at the changes. Neither side was willing to acknowledge the other with common ordinary kindness. So how can we possibly express love in this atmosphere?

Feelings and emotions carry specific vibrational frequencies. When we are angry and dejected, our field strength is depleted meaning our vibrational frequency is lower than what we require to live a balanced life. When we are unkind to one another, judgmental of “others” we actually are harming ourselves since we move into an unbalanced state of being.

How might we respond that lifts both the “other” and yourself up? By truly listening. And I mean listening without trying to formulate all the reasons why this person or this group of people are wrong in your eyes. Responding with openness to the grievances of others, sparks reactions that come from the spectrum of kindness. We can’t experience or give love until we master kindness.

So, how do we manifest kindness? It has to be an inside job first. Change your thoughts and your feelings and you change your words, actions, and behaviors. Be kind to yourself and before you know it, you are being kind to others around you.

How will you know when you are being kind? Kindness is described as “goodwill, understanding, charity, grace, humanity, affection, patience, tolerance, goodness, compassion, hospitality, generosity, indulgence, decency, tenderness, clemency, gentleness, philanthropy, benevolence, magnanimity, fellow-feeling amiability, and beneficence”, according to the free dictionary. But I will tell you what you already know—you will know when you are being kind by how your actions are received by others.

So, this month when you are looking for love—practice being kind and I guarantee you, you will receive love from others. And don’t forget to use your essential oils to help you be more aware, more relaxed, gentle, and patient. Want to know more information on how essential oils can affect your mind and your heart? Contact me for a free consultation. I’ve been working with essential oils for nearly 30 years and have a whole repertoire of knowledge to share with you.

To your health in mind and body,

Linda Smith
