Take a walk on a winter morning
I have noticed something as I talk with individuals about their dreams and visions for their lives.
Everyone wants their dream to come true. They see the value of accountability and having a structure to guide them. They really want to move forward from where they are to where they want to be. Is that true for you?
But curiously, as I speak with people about getting help to achieve their dreams, their paradigms (belief systems they have gathered over a lifetime) get the better of them. “Wait, don’t jump in without really thinking about this.” “What will my family think of me if I really change and go for my dream?” “What if this costs money I don’t have?” “I really don’t have time in my busy life for coaching.” “Maybe I should really pray about this first.” “Change is scary.”
I get it. But here is the deal as our President loves to say. There is no time like the present to change your mindset! Yes, no time like the present to change the way you think that will decrease stress and worry and propel you to a life worth living in the present.
You see, we all are a mixture of what is called a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A fixed mindset says you have all the intelligence, and moral character you need. You just need to work harder to get what you want—prove yourself over and over. In that way you are safe. Visions are basically for dreamers—just set goals and work really hard to get there!
Whereas a growth mindset believes that your basic qualities can be cultivated with a little effort. Ideas and beliefs are ever-evolving meaning you can learn new skills if you want to and that your wisdom and intelligence grows with each new experience. Visions? They are a driving force that take you into the future for a life you truly would love living.
With a growth mindset you can break through the stuck-ness and achieve your goals that you desire. How is your health? Your relationships? Your creative endeavors or vocation? What about your time freedom? How is your bank account doing?
Have you heard the secret to climbing Mount Everest? You take one baby step after another. I’m a great believer in baby steps. Agreeing to get coaching to help you reach the summit of your vision for your future takes not only a proven structure of support but accountability in getting there. That’s what I do—hold your feet to the fire so to speak. If you could attain your dreams all by yourself—you would have reached them by now! Having someone walk with you along the way and point you in the direction of your dream is priceless!
So, changing your mind can change everything for you. To get a free consultation on your dream—just go to our website: www.transformationalWellnessServices.com and click on my schedule and pick a time. I’m here to support you.
Linda Smith