What creates vibration? Motion. You are a living being meaning everything within you—down to the minutest electron and proton—is moving and thus creating a certain vibration.  So, the law of vibration governs your experience in this world. But did you ever think that vibration also governs your thoughts and your emotions? Since you choose every thought you think, you choose what vibration you are in, and that inevitably determines your results.

Yes, you can choose what kind of day you are having—a good day vs a difficult day. A good day filled with gratitude, love, compassion, and kindness produces a higher vibration than a difficult day filled with depressing thoughts, anger, resentment, fear, and jealousy. Get the picture?

You can set your vibration in harmony with the Universe and experience more flow and energy into your system. Experiencing problems produces a low vibration and that can be a real downer! Positive thoughts however keep you in harmony with your Source.

Let me give you an analogy. Everyone is familiar with TV. You probably have a system that has many different channels. Well each channel is actually tuned to a different frequency. If you don’t like what you are watching, you simply pick up the remote and change the channel (frequency is another name for vibration). So, if you don’t like how your day is going—you have the opportunity to stop, take a breath, and change the frequency you are on.

OK, want some help on how to quickly change your vibration? Essential oils! They are uplifting and can shift your emotional responses to life’s challenges just with a few breaths. You have heard the expression, “Just smell the roses,” well I say, “Just smell the oils!” Essential oils are made up of compounds found naturally in plants. Each compound carries a vibration since they are living substances. Added together, they give a certain frequency to each oil. The frequency of rose oil has been calibrated around 360 MHz. The human body’s normal frequency is between 62-68 MHz and it produces what we would refer to as the frequency of health where we experience balance, harmony and health. When our frequency drops below that level, we experience irritation, inflammation and eventually even illness. So decide to have a good day and smell your essential oils for an uplifting experience.

Want to know how you can get the best smelling and purest oils? Contact me and I will tell you about Young Living Essential Oils. If you want to know more about the vibration of everything—check out my book on The Physics of Essential Oils, Vibration Underlies Everything. You can find it in my store. To your health!


Linda Smith
