It is with a grateful heart that I start this new year out with a fresh approach to my vision for a life well lived.

We all hope for good things in our lives be it great health, loving relationships, awesome work, and inspired creativity, and of course, great wealth to do the things we have always dreamed of in our life – like travel, a dream home, or being a philanthropist.

Here we are at the beginning of yet another year of life and it’s a perfect time to take stock of where you are with your dreams for the life you want to live. What goals will you set for yourself? What action steps are you going to commit to? Who is going to be your “cheerleader” checking in and encouraging you to go for your dream? Who will you enlist to become part of your mastermind group that will stretch you to become the person you desire to be?

Or are you just going to “wing it.” Let the chips fall where they may in your life. Afterall, you are a busy person already with cleaning house and cooking dinner, volunteering, your little church group of women or meeting with the guys for coffee or at the corner pub for a drink.

Our belief patterns (paradigms) prefer we not rock the boat with change. After all, things are fine right where they are. You say to yourself, “I don’t need any change in my life – I like it just the way it is.”

And so, life continues just as it is – no fuss, no mess!

Let me ask, “is this all there is in life?” “Do you have dreams or aspirations for something more, but you have no idea how that could ever happen?”

I once felt that way. I stopped doing an end-of-the-year assessment (primarily because I never could keep any goals I set anyway), stopped writing goals for the coming year and basically, I committed to just “winging it!”

Then came the day when I was sitting at my desk with nothing to do. I couldn’t even imagine what to do next. Shopping for new stuff had worn thin for me and watching Netflix became boring after a while.

That’s when I paid attention to a still small voice within that said, “grow,” “grow,” “grow!” “Life is not over yet! I’m still breathing – there must be something more for me to do.”

So, here’s the chance you have been waiting for – make this the year that makes all the difference between just living and living a life worth more. A life that is fresh, enthusiastic, energized, and loving.

As a Life Coach, I have helped many people discover their strength within to live a life they dreamed up that gave them a new lease on life. Did I mention how they became happier and more prosperous as well?

It can happen for you but first, you need to take the first step and that is to talk with me about your dream. You can tell me all the reasons why it can’t happen, and I will tell you all the reasons why it can and is happening right now.

We live in a thought Universe and that is where the magic happens. I can show you how it works so schedule yourself for a time to talk with Rich Schmelke or myself. We can certainly help you develop your crystal-clear vision of the life you would love living.

Just go to: and click on Contact Us. Our calendars will pop up for you to schedule yourself for a time to talk with one of us.

Consider your life right now – what needs improving, what needs inspiration, what needs your attention. Clarity comes with getting someone else to hear what we really want.